Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Email Marketing is Free!

Email marketing is one of the best marketing to engage with users and it also help you get some return visitor to your site.
This is one of the powerful technique you can’t see anyother marketing.  Here I will give the best and most trusted email Marketing services.

Do you know? What is the big assets for your business/company?
The Answer is email subscriber list.

OK! How we are going to execute this and which software or online tool is best for you.
Relax I will help you.

If you are new to email marketing or online tools, then I suggest first go with these free marketing tool. And try to
Build more than 1K subscribers. By doing these you will came to learn openrate, CTR, drip etc.
Using email marketing you can do the following things:
a)       Launching email course
b)      Creating a email book and promoting
c)       7 days course etc..
              But still they are more work and more money is there.
               Another one of the beautiful automation email marketing is ConvertKit. It is one of the user friendly tool.
              We can do the automation in very easy way. You no need to required coding skills. You can do the drip campaign easily with these tools.